Monday, August 4, 2014

Inu X Boku SS

Inu X Boku SS ; The Dog and Me 
12 Eps
Extra: based off the manga under exact title name

Genres: Fantasy/Supernatural, Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life

Some of you may already be familiar with the title ~ this is a manga that I'm always seeing on Manga displays, and yet, I still haven't read it! The art and characters are well-distinguished from many other animes, so I guess  this series stood out due to its art. I mean, the two-eye-coloured nine tail Fox?? Well, welcome to the crew.

Ririchiyo Shiirakin has come to the exclusive Maison de Ayakashi , a place for Atavists, generations that have inherited supernatural powers from supernatural ancestry, youkai. Now a resident of Room Four, she is presented with a Secret Service agent who seems to know her beyond her knowledge. 

I like the spin with the supernatural incorporated into the story. I haven't seen many fantasy-supernatural series, as you can tell. I was able to learn some Japanese beings like the nine-tailed fox. The art is exquisite ; it's like a calligraphy on canvas~ 

The story slowly progresses , but the character change is developed a little slower than I expected. But at least Ririchiyo was able to blame something for her falling in love:

The humor isn't bad -- and foodies really make everything better.  Oh yeah, forgot to mention: this cutie is like the Japanese Portia from Barbie' s Princess Charm School!

The anime was able to have all kind of notes to different scenes from flashbacks , memories, to ... YURI!! Anyone else digging the stuff? It's just so... kawaii!
I ended up questioning the characters' pasts. I mean, I thought Sou was a male prostitute once! Ain't nothing wrong with that, though __

Enough of the fun-- the episodes ended nicely , but there wasn't a single cliffhanger! I had hoped for more tensity; who be curious about an ep titled "The Unloyal Dog?" 

I really wanna say that this is an anime version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- but our main girl's got a point: it is quite difficult to interact with others. 

A better than decent, unique, mystical fantasy-supernatural story with moments of all kinds of zany feelings. 
If you're bored, this one's not bad. I have read about the Manga and it seems to be more powerful than this one; deaths and all. 

- This Anime Scored: 7/10 -  
 It's just an irregular heartbeat.. eh?!  (-.-)ノ⌒-~

The dub isn't bad- maybe.. just decent?