Saturday, October 31, 2015

American Horror Story

More like "American Whorès' (yeah, we're gonna keep all the syllables) Story..." Sexist, pornographic, or what? Oh, how much is to be told...

2011 FX
Supernatural, Drama
12 Episodes 

The Harmons move into a 1922 Victorian house that has an intricate long history with all who've resided there. A horny psychiatrist, an unstable mum, and a misunderstood teenage daughter cope with the months to come. 

One of the most hyped shows of 2010s, AHS roots are not gruesome or horror-movie ready, but presents its horror through meddling with everybody's psyche. 
  No jumpscares, but many could be squeamish at dismemberment. After all, each episode starts out years before present day 2010, and I love looking back to the 60s and noting the societal and cultural differences. Abortions were illegal in America and boys will be boys. The show's need to flashback to say,1978, is a sign that the past is history. Through these episodes, it's easier to understand and infer everything about the house's history. Comprehension becomes fun as the viewer draws conclusions and discovers the reason of character behaviors toward Character B. Most of this was done in my head, but I love drawing web conclusions. So fun. 
   The present-day setting isn't spooky as teenagers smoke and gang up, doctors are sensitive about releasing confidentiality, and men fail to see what is reality (hence, wet dreams and fantasies at an earlier age than women perhaps). As for the past, witnessing an illegal operation for financial stability is something that an American civilian just doesn't see on a daily basis. The American family then vs now is quite a comparison as well. But the finale places everyone on the same side, so all's well. 

  The use of props for violence in AHS was one of the  most purposeful displays for props instead of just guns and knives. Even though the camera spun around constantly and was shaky for the first half, the whole soundtrack of the season is just out-of-context. The theme song is of a smaller genre of music composition, white noise/strange sounds. I found that the volume for the background pieces , orchestral or vocal, were a bit distracting during dialogue and silences. One of the couple elements that bothered me, but that's not enough to stop binging!
   I'm laughing at Dr. Harmon's manliness. He has great motivation for being a psychiatrist, he's eagerly sex-driven, and he refuses so may things. I love that the family members have contrasting mindsets and that there is an affair/ romantic tangle spawning from each member. 

  Each character is suffering from a sadness. That's one of the simple ideas that sprouts forth AHS. Unfortunately, this makes all of the characters so eerily similar under different masks of personality. 
  The pilot sets the setting (exposition) and the show has many "bullshit" and "shit" in its script. How dare you give a bullshitty explanation for Roanoke Island colony, Billie Dean? Don't you know that history speaks for itself??

Grade: 7.2 
Felt extremely like an indie production; well-casted, but they all seem indie-esque

Be committed. 
Happy Halloween and Egg Somebody's Place