Supernatural , Romance
Aired: 2011 TheCW
Where did Season Two leave us? Ah, yes...
Jeremy sees his dead exes and Klaus wants his dead Original family back. HE WANTS HIS COFFINS BACK ~ With the development of popular TVD fandom relationships, witches are sought out and Alaric has a vampire-hunter alter-ego that may take over him.
Well, I'm going to not that this was a brainpoker. Elena is either becoming more lost in her love life (Damon or Stefan? I don't care! I never did!) or she's just bossing around people because she'll never save herself- helpless damsel. Tsk, tsk.
There were too many episodes that's extra thread ~ it's nice that it's there, but it's not needed:
>>>>Preferred Watching Sequence:<<<<
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11-15, 18-20, 22
The Originals are in town and now it's hunting time ~~
It's not a teary season (only cried once! Episode 11: First **Klaroline** interaction)
All the men are manned up and know what's going on while the
new-year high school seniors are celebrating 18th birthdays and organizing dances (like, 3.)
The addiction level is, erm, invisible. I don't even feel attached to the show ~ now I question why I watch it. Obviously, it's not for Elena's sake and Nina Dobrev is right- Katherine was way more fun than Elena. Already missing that foxy Petrova -- where is she now?
As for Elena, good luck with this:
As Alison DiLaurentis quotes, "It is immortality, my darling." Thanks to the Season Finale, I was born to always be intrigued by Season Three of any show. In what direction will Elena's love life grow? Are we gonna have more people resurrected.... again??
Enough questions, let's get to my favorite add-on:: More. NEW. Characters.
The Originals family and more peeps, but particularly....
![]() |
Don't you mean.... MerAdith ?! |
Yay to new people and blooming relationships. Alert: Klaroline cracks the egg, Forwood are simply adorable, and Delena strikes a pose.
Klaus has such a ridiculous weakness that I scoff that he's the antagonist- a bad one at heart , sadly. I wanted to see more blood, but I guess a cruciferous torture is decent.
The story will drag if you watch all the episodes, not that it is perfectly normal to watch them all. However, the "unimportant episodes" are a waste of time and gives you one present: a small fact, detail, reawakening, etc.
Grade: 7.8 -8 /10
Elena just got stupider... from falling in love with vampires.
"Not everyone has to be saved." - Stefan to Elena about responsibilities