Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Winx Club Season 2 -- STAY AWAY

Close your eyes. This cartoon just got risque . . .

26 Episodes

This season focuses on the Pixies who are hostages of a new villain, Darkar. As well as acquainting Layla, now a part of the Winx Club, it's another lengthy journey through the Winx Universe and relationships. 

First off, let's start with Layla. She's the first black chick that's appeared, and.. I find her a passionate, persistent freak. The Pixies may be the only friends for this Tides princess, yet she wants out of the royal life. Layla will go to the depths of the Earth to save her friends, who entertain her. Speaking of entertainment, I'm looking forward to a moment of her and Sky.

Romance has become extremely troublesome for Riven. He gets so riled when it comes to any guy with Musa. Stella and Brandon are still going strong ~~ ^^

The girls are in their final year at the Academy and their powers have grown tremendously in strength, but there are still outstanding spells yet to be cast. The Enchantrix stage -- earned when a fairy saves one of their own kind. Note that this may not work properly for a princess of an isolated kingdom of Sparks, so once again, Bloom gets some attention.

The Enchantrix transformations may be a bit more distracting than the rose petals in American Beauty, but these girls become more exquisite creatures with longer hair, glittery outfits, and other new accessories. Another innuendo that's exposed is the fact that A) homosexuality is snug and B) everyone's showin' more skin. 

A handsome professor has an impersonator and Bloom becomes evil. 

Hopefully, this season doesn't hold much significance out of the whole thing. 
Grade: 5.7 

stay away

Some news ~
A few more days until my first day in the high school life.
I've already met my teachers and I am really looking forward to Biology and English 
(I haven't been a fan of English class since being betrayed by Avi's The Traitor's Gate (3rd/4th grade and recently, Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray)

Have I missed watching anime? I am halfway through Angel Beats! 
The next live-action dramas that plan to arrive in the near future --
Buffy, Castle, The Middle/Modern Family (mixed feelings for the latter), and I'm ready for the upcoming "Scream Queens"

Finally, I've got a packed post coming soon --